Which Is Better, A CNC Or Laser Engraver?
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Which Is Better, A CNC Or Laser Engraver?

Views: 1000     Author: Superstar     Publish Time: 2024-05-29      Origin: Site

CNC engraving machine actually includes laser engraving machine, so laser engraving machine is one of CNC engraving machine, but the two have relevant intersections, but there are also many differences.

Differences between laser engraving machine and CNC engraving machine

1. Different working principles

Laser engraving machine is a kind of machine that uses the light energy of laser beam to react chemically or physically with the surface material of the object to obtain the required pattern and text to be etched.

CNC engraving machine mainly relies on the high-speed rotating engraving head driven by electric spindle to control the engraving knife, fix the object to be engraved, and cut out the required relief graphics and text.

2. Different structural composition

The laser source emits laser, and through optical elements such as laser head, reflector, lens, etc., the focus moves on the X, Y, and Z axes of the machine tool to engrave.

The structure of CNC engraving machine is relatively simple. It is controlled by a computer numerical control system, so that the engraving machine automatically selects the appropriate engraving tool to engrave on the X, Y, and Z axes of the machine tool.

In addition, the tool of the laser engraving machine is a complete set of optical elements. The tool of the CNC engraving machine is a variety of solid engraving tools.

1325 laser machine

Laser Cutting Machine

3. Different processing efficiency

Laser speed is fast, and laser is 2.5 times faster than CNC engraving machine. Moreover, laser engraving machine consumes less energy than CNC engraving machine.

4. Different processing accuracy

The diameter of laser beam is only 0.01mm, and CNC tool is 20 times larger. The processing accuracy of laser engraving is much higher than that of CNC engraving.

5. Different matching chillers

Laser engraving machine has high precision control temperature. You can choose special domain laser chiller. The precision control temperature can reach ±0.1, and water-cooled chiller is more suitable.

CNC engraving machine does not have too much requirement for temperature control. You can choose industrial chiller with lower temperature control accuracy, or even choose air-cooled chiller to cool the engraving machine.

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Wood Engraving Machine

6. Other differences

Laser engraving machine is better when engraving non-metal thin materials and some materials with high melting point, but it can only be used for flat engraving. Although the appearance of CNC engraving machine has certain limitations, it can produce three-dimensional finished products such as relief.

The above is the difference between laser engraving machine and CNC engraving machine. According to your actual needs, buy the appropriate equipment.